April 20  Easter Sunday

After the excitement and the fabulous procesiones of the week, today's pace was much more relaxed.  For many of the Guatemaltecos this week was a vacation week and many people took advantage and closed their business, however today it seems that everyone has returned and that it is business as usual.

There was one procession that we made a point of viewing today, actually it was the only procession that took place during the day.  The mood of the people involved was a surprise as it was completely different from the solemn mood of the earlier processions.

This one was organized by the Obras Sociales del Hermano Pedro and is one of the few processions where carriers do not have to pay a donation to participate.  The mood is very uplifting as the people are celebrating their belief in the resurrection of Jesus.

ss Dancers

As the procession moved through the streets, the band played joyful music rather than the funeral music of the nights before.  The carriers danced and sang, and people lit firecrackers and noisemakers.  Even the dress of the carriers was different. 

Obras Procession

Although some wore white capes, the majority wore their everyday clothing.  Everyone wanted a chance to carry the anda, or float, even little children took their places and shouldered the load.  Although at one point the float was so off balance that we thought it might fall!

After watching the procession move on to other parts of town, we walked through the central park and joined with the families in enjoying the beautiful day.  It was a wonderful way to spend our final hours in Guatemala.



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